• slider3.jpg
  • slider5.jpg
  • slider6.jpg

Position "promo-left"

This is a sample module in position “promo-left”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "promo-right"

This is a sample module in position “promo-right”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-top"

This is a sample module in position “content-top”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user1"

This is a sample module in position “user1”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user2"

This is a sample module in position “user2”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Einsätze 2019 FF Forstern

Am 04. September um 13:00 Uhr wurde unser Kommandant HBI Markus Six kontaktiert, dass bei der Pöndorfer Bezirksstraße eine LKW-Bergung erforderlich ist.

Am 09.12.2022 um 20:32 Uhr wurde die Feuerwehr Forstern zu einem kleinen technischen Einsatz gerufen.


Mit dem Stichwort „Ölspur/Dieselaustritt aus PKW“ wurde die Feuerwehr Forstern am 24.11.2022 um 12:27 Uhr alarmiert.

DiDie Feuerwehr Forstern wurde am 28.04.2022 um 15 Uhr gemeinsam mit der Feuerwehr Forstern zu einem Traktorbrand. Einsatzort war gleich vor dem Feuerwehrhaus Forstern.  Der Traktor konnte umgehend gelöscht werden. 12 Mann waren von der FF Forstern für 1,5 Stunden im Einsatz.



Am Mittwoch, dem 22.06.2022 wurden die Feuerwehren Forstern und Pöndorf zu einem KFZ Brand nach Hocheck alarmiert.


Position "user3"

This is a sample module in position “user3”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user4"

This is a sample module in position “user4”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "innerleft"

This is sample module in position innerleft. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "left"

This is a sample module in position left. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user5"

This is a sample module in position “user5”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user6"

This is a sample module in position “user6”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.


Position "user7"

This is a sample module in position “user7”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

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